Friday, March 03, 2017

cruffle, cont'd.

Well, cruffle-lovers... the day is finally here! It's been so fun to see 'cruffle 1.0' pop up in artwork all over the world in the five years that have come and gone since I first posted the original version of this pattern. I hope you find inspiration here too.

I spent a long time trying to narrow this collection down to a less overwhelming size, but I've realized that everybody has different tastes and might like some of the variations that I don't... so I'm putting ALL of it out there, and will leave it to you to decide what you like. These variations are loosely divided into categories, which you will see as you scroll. I have not included drawing instructions because most of them start with the first couple of steps that cruffle does, so they shouldn't be too tricky to deconstruct. If you have questions, you can use the widget in my sidebar to email me, or leave a comment below.

The first 76 variations are drawn by starting with a circle and an S curve:

cruffle 1.0

 2. dense cruffle.

3. minimal cruffle: the first two drawing steps, 
a circle and an S-shaped curve.

This one was begun with a backwards S, 
drawn from top to bottom.

...with a little papermint thrown in.

#71- took advantage of a wonky circle 
to give this one a mohawk. 

Drawing order for #77: a circle broken at the top and 
bottom, then the mooka shapes at the top and bottom, 
then the teardrop shapes in the middle. 

78-86 are drawn with a U shape instead of an S, though 
a couple of them are a kind of hybrid where the S shape is
complete but then curves back around to make a U shape.

87-92 are bordered:

93-96 have the initial S curve repeated 
in more than one direction:

97-109 are all started with multiple S shapes:

110-114: a few valentiney variations.

111. There's a puffle in my cruffle. :o)

115-121 mooka variations:

122 and on- odd shapes: 

Fancy cruffle. 

You can see I started to get a little punchy after a while, but this is how I work out new variations. I never rule out anything until I've gotten it down on paper, no matter how off the wall it might be. Coming back to a drawing later will almost always produce new ideas. Obviously several of these would have gotten the axe, but since I said I'd show you everything... well...

You had to know there'd be some goofiness somewhere in this post. I just can't help myself. 

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P.S. If you were looking at the numbers, you may have noticed there is no #146. That turned out to be a duplicate scan that I caught at the last minute (hopefully the only one), so I'll leave these little bijous with you to make up for it. 

Happy cruffling. :o)

Might have to revisit that 'cruffadox' one... 
there just might be something to that. :oD

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  1. Blown away on a cloud of pleasure! Love all of them...though number 136 is a sneaky favourite...Wonderful - thank you so much!! Axxx

    1. that was one that wouldn't have made the cut if I had whittled them down! I like the idea of making that one into a border by drawing them in a row and flipping every other one. maybe later when I'm not cruffled out. haha.

  2. Planetary Cruffle is quite something too. This is a marathon post - thank you.

    1. that's a silly one, but one of my favorites. might look good with dark blue watercolor wash behind it? hmmm.

  3. Oh my - you've excelled yourself here. What a feast. I feel like I've woken up in Wonkaville! I've taken to drawing Cruffle in ovals for a while as I struggle with getting consistency in my rounds. But all these variations - there are loads I want to use. I might pick a few and work with those first! Thank you for your abundance!

    1. I've found that oval shapes make really good cruffles! I just start and end the S curve on the points of the oval that are closest together... that actually gives you a little extra space to fill in, when it's wider!

  4. How amazing is this?! Thank you, Sandy, for sharing such a great inspirational resource!

  5. Hi Sandy... I'm visiting blogs today for the Weekly Roundup, and this post just stopped me in my tracks. Wow!!! This is awesome!

    1. Hi Genevieve! I'm so glad it made you happy.

  6. O ...O... O! They're here! Yeah! Hi! At the MOMENT my favorite is 40, or maybe 116, no, 141...145? Thank you SO much!!!

    1. that ought to keep you out of trouble for a while ;-) happy tangling!

  7. WOWSA! what a wonderful inspiration! I'm printing out this post for future reference!

    1. Hi Sue! oh my... I wonder how many pages that would be!

  8. Sandy, this like a tangled Thanksgiving Feast. I'm happily stuffed, or should I say, "Cruffed"?! Thank you, thank you, and compliments to the chef :)

    1. I'm imagining a platter full of cruffle with little party picks sticking out of the top. *shakes sprinkles on top*

  9. OMGosh! This is AMAZING!!!!!!!! Thanks so much!

  10. What an amazing offering! These are just wonderfully looks as if you had lots of fun. Please let us also give you credit for the work as well! Thanks for a real treat!

    1. thanks for did take a little while to pull together! The shading is what takes me forever, but it's worth it.

  11. This must have taken forever to come up with so many different looking cruffles. Absolutely amazing.

    1. thank you, Lianne! the variations are easy...the hard part for me is the discipline required to see projects like this through to the end. I am such a flake. lol.

  12. Hahaha! A puffle in my cruffle. Hehehehe. Love the jelly fish one and the pirate looking one 😊 And the cruffle dispenser. Can you make me a dragon cruffle??? Please????????

    1. challenge accepted.
      though my autocorrect changed challenge to chickens... so, chickens accepted too. ;-) :-D

  13. Love your "Pattern Play" with Cruffle.

  14. That is absolutely amazing! I started to forget exactly what Cruffle actually looked like by the time I was about at #100! You are amazing!!!

  15. This is an amazingly creative exploration! I. Love. It. So. Much! Thank you! 😘💕

  16. Hi, Sandy ~ Cruffle is one of my mac and cheese faves! I recently posted a tile with cruffles strung together like a necklace and half of each one colored in red. Thank you for all your work and this gift to us. xoxox

  17. Wow! Wow! Wow! What an amazing imagination you have, and what a lot of play (I never call tangling "work") to create all of these....truly amazing. I may have to print it out to show folks in my classes when I challenge them to design their own variations on a tangle.

  18. I am so impressed that you were able to create so many variations. Your creativity is awesome and has inspired me.

  19. I am trying to figure out how I can have a copy of these without running off 50 sheets of paper. Would you consider compiling these into sheets 8.5 x 11 with 20 or so to a sheet so we can keep them? These are so fantastic. I would run off 5 sheets back to back or something. Help.

  20. Oh My! -so much inspiration! So many variations! Love to see all of them. I have some favourites already! Thank´s for sharing!

  21. Oh this was this year! wow. 2017, I usually only find old ones. Thanks so much this was so fun! I drew ... let me count ... 33 or 34 of these. I love the leaf ones. Favorites : 59,106, 30, 50. 55, 92, 141, 143, and of course your silly carton cuffles 152+ Thanks again!

  22. This elaboration is simply stunning. I've been sitting there for over a quarter of an hour with my mouth open, admiring every single variation. Thank you very much, it is wonderful!


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