Thursday, November 07, 2013

a tangler's throwback thursday (and a hint of cybersnow in Texas).

Chilly autumnish greetings, friends! Those who are familiar with my tanglebucket facebook page have already seen this art, but please read the paragraph at the end!!

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I haven't done any Diva challenges lately (or anything else overly productive, really), but I did just clean out the tin I keep in my bag. When I finish a tangle, it gets shuffled to the bottom of the pile, so I always have a new blank one waiting for me when I open the tin. These are the tiles that have been lurking in the linty darkness of my bag like little vampires... extremely flat, square, white, toothless little vampires. 

Well, Zentangle tiles do have a little bit of tooth. 

*ducks flying tomatoes*

That was terrible...I'm sorry. Although you should have known it was coming, because my lines were center-justified and short, and that's my standard format for doling out nerdy humor. 

Here's some art.

Indy-Rella, in the round. 

Merryweather, with some other fluff thrown in. 

A tangle I started by tracing a round container my mom had sitting on her kitchen table.

A tangle drawn with all straight lines.

Y-knot, accented with phicops, pokeroot, and pokeleaf... 
a Derwent Inktense pencil... a medium Niji waterbrush.

 I honestly have no idea what to call this one. 

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Sooo, if you've read this far down, thank you for sticking with me. For the better part of a year, I have had a draft of a blog post called 'Tangleflakes: The Marshmallow World Challenge' in my blog folder. I was just wondering, friends, if you would consider contributing to that blog post...? Draw your favorite tangles in the round and email them to me, so I can post a flurry of tangleflakes the week leading up to Christmas. Please include your name and the name of the tangle patterns you turned into snowflakes. They don't have to be big and fancy. I was really only thinking of one or maybe two tangle patterns per flake. There are no prizes except the knowledge that you have enabled me to FINALLY get that blog post done... plus the insurmountable joy of seeing your art plastered all over Pinterest. ;o)

How 'bout it?
Who's with me??

Please send your tangleflakes to me at 


If you want to see an example of what I mean by 'in the round', you can go here to see the 'tangleflake' I drew (the last photo on the page) that inspired this whole project.

Let it snow!


  1. If I can get my mind wrapped around this I will send you a tangle... sounds like fun to try and do... :)

  2. Nautilus Rock 'n' Roll for nameless piece perhaps?
    Paula (PEP)

  3. I immediately thought Island in the Sky for the nameless piece. Seems like a "land" to be inhabited for a children's movie--just in time for the Christmas release. Beautiful. I like Paula's name, too.

  4. A tangleflake, am going to have to ponder this. love what you did in your sample. Thanks for sharing.


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I have comment moderation turned on to filter out all the spammy flotsam, so submitted comments will not appear until after they squeeze by the spam filter (that would be me). ;o) If you'd like a reply, please email me and I will reply posthaste by pigeon or owl within the month (possibly longer, depending on distance and weather conditions).