useful things.

❀ tangle prompts

A couple of times a week (or when I remember to do it), I will post a tangle prompt on my facebook page as a challenge/source of inspiration for those who want to branch out and try some new or lesser-used patterns. Sometimes I draw the names from my tangle jar for random selection. Or sometimes I just pick ones I like, 'cause I can. :oD

If you want to share your tangles, please feel free to post them here. If you want to keep them to yourself, I will try to find it in my heart to forgive you.

I used to call these prompts kickstarters, until people were asking if I was trying to raise money or something... forgot kickstarter was already a Thing. *chuckle* That's ok... didn't like the name much anyway.

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#16 dragonair, planateen, twistee.
#15 stella.
#14 fiore, batch, snircles.
#13 unbatz, St. John's cross, arc flower.
#12 snugz, finery, & diva dance.
#11 shattuck, blooming butter, zinger, footlites.
#10 bubbles, rouche, cruffle, meer.
#9 huggins, voga, love line, twistee.
#8 limpitz, snood, hypnotic, leaflet.
#7 beadlines, dust bunny, purk, verve.
#6 ticking, barberpole, fungees, trimonds.
#5 pendrills, worms, bridgen, planateen.
#4 girlande, popsicles, tearce, sand swirl.
#3 ahh, tipple, pokeroot, verdigogh.
#2 printemps, kandysnake, quiltz, n'zeppel.
#1 featherfall, peanuckle, jetties, chillon.

Other prompts posted by me:
- pick a letter of the alphabet to use to create a new tangle pattern.
- use only straight lines on your tile,  including the string.
- diva dance, with no string.


  1. how do we post them here? or do you mean on fb?

  2. Sorry, that was a little vague, wasn't it. Click on the word 'here' (in the above paragraph) to be magically transported to the tanglebucket studio Facebook page.


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