useful things.

Wednesday, August 08, 2012

Weekly Challenge #82: UMT v. VII "Brayd"

Hooray... it's the weekly Diva challenge! I skipped the last two weeks, and I've really missed doing them. I took a swing at last week's zendala dare, but so far I have found zendalas to be a little too structured for me. Maybe I need to start with a simpler one and work my way up... so. many. sections.

The 'guest tangle' for this UMT challenge is 'Brayd'. I like it. Drawing the main tangle felt more like sketching than tangling, though. It's the highlighted sections that make it feel sketchy, I think... because figuring out where the lines will break and resume again requires a bit of thinkery. And getting them consistent enough to look 'right' is like trying to nail jello to a tree (thank God for shading).

I added color because the final result was so dark.

Well, ok, and also because I look for ANY excuse to bust out my Inktense watercolor pencils. Remember the smell of newly sharpened pencils? You know what I'm talking about...that sharp, clean, woodsy aroma? I get that when I pop the lid off the tin... takes me right back to shopping for school supplies years ago. I still remember how erasers smell, too. And crayons.


A side (bottom) note for journal lovers- or, more to the point, people who love the idea of journaling but don't have the time. I love journals.... love love LOVE them. I buy them all the time, and then they sit around and collect more dust than ink. 'Cause who has time for that??

Recently, however, I bought a five-year journal. 

Ambitious, you might think. 

Well... no. Not really.

It's not a big book, because you only have to write one sentence per day. You only get four or five lines at a time. The space is just big enough for a brief recap of the day. Or you can use it to write a short daily note to a loved one. Or for short prayers... or you can write down the things you're thankful for, if you want to use it as a gratitude journal. (They also make these for moms, FYI. And gardening. Et cetera.) A friend of mine is a teacher and I would love to see her use one of these to write down quotes from her second/third-graders, 'cause some of the stuff they say is hilarious. The possibilities! Anyway, the one I wound up with makes me think of blue skies and buttery sunshine, and makes me happy just to look at it.

If you want to know more, you can read a blog post from the author here.

Here's to happiness and manageable journaling. And shopping for school supplies, whether you need 'em or not. :oD


  1. Well I think it is a beauty! I like the way you used the colours.

  2. Gorgeous fat brayd, beautiful color, and it's just fun to look at! Fantastic! And I'm loving that journal....

  3. Oooooh.....A beautiful tile.
    Very creative!

  4. Awesome with a plus!!! so so beautiful and natural looking - gorgeous colours too! (I feel the same about zendalas and the true Zentangle tile size!! but I plod along - I think that is my challenge :))

  5. Sparkling, bright with a party feel!

  6. Absolutely beautiful! The colors add a nice touch.

  7. I find your brayd to be just what I would love to be able to do! It if really fantastic!

  8. Love the pearls in the brayd! Great tile!

  9. The softness of the colors really make it look quite lovely.

  10. Your tile and shares are wonderful. Especialy like "nailing jello to a tree!" We can all relate. The journally idea is inspirational too!

  11. I'm still laughing over picturing someone trying to nail jello to a tree, ha ha ha. Your tile is lovely; the color is luscious. I too love my Derwent Inktense pencils.

  12. Love your treatment of Brayd in your ZIA. Beautifully executed.

  13. Love your brayds and how you accented them. The delicate use of colors really sets them off.

  14. I love how your braid has so many shapes,sizes,sheens. Love too all the danglies and leaf and umbrella shapes. So much fun to look at!

  15. Your tile is sooooo beautiful.

  16. i love the color and the little dangles - pretty awesome!

  17. In one word: beautiful!!! Love the colors you used.

    Annemarie Huijts

  18. I too LOVE to journal, it's a way of emptying out all those thoughts running my brain that need a place to land. I also remember the smell of a new box of crayons..takes me right back to vhildhood

  19. Beautiful, just beautiful. What an artist you are. Fabulous colours and textures blending to produce a perfect tangle! It has both asymmetry and symmetry, and it really flows.

    I am like you with all things stationery - I adore the smell of new pencils and erasers and it was heaven to be appointed stationery cupboard monitor at school! New books do it for me, too!

    I've got an art journal going, where I interpret random things like poems, or thoughts that strike me. What a good idea to do a thankfulness journal. However awful things may be, there's always something to give thanks for!!



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