useful things.

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Weekly Challenge #164: "Amanda (Earth) Day"

I spent Earth day at my allergist's office (seven hours of it, anyway) taking part in RUSH immunotherapy. One shot of my own personal allergen cocktail every 30 minutes, for the purpose of reaching a maintenance level dose faster. Fall is my suckiest time of year, so I've got some time to build up my resistance to ragweed and mountain cedar. I'm also ok with rounding it all up and burning it down to the ground. I'll even bring the marshmallows.

Anyway, my mom kept me company the whole time. I beat her in one round of hand and foot out of nine (almost two), and that's kind of a big deal in sandyland. My mom's a total card fiend... she's not completely unbeatable, but there is some high-level strategy going on upstairs... whereas I'm usually pondering whether she's got all the ingredients in her pantry to make chocolate chip cookies as we play. :o)



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  1. Sorry about the allergies, this year seems to be the worst. My mother always beat me in all games and now my son is the big winner. I like being an enabler, brings smiles to others faces!

  2. Lovely selection of tangles in both tiles!

  3. They both look great. Like the blue background.

  4. Wumdervoll!!
    Grüße aus Deutschland,*Manja*

  5. So sorry you have to suffer due to natural 'Earth' things...but you've both done beautiful elegant tiles for Earth Day. Axxx

  6. Both tiles are lovely, I like the organic tangles.

  7. Both gorgeous and distinctive. How do I find out about the challenges please?

  8. Oh Sandy, they are both so pretty!

  9. Two nice tiles. I especially enjoyed the little story of you and your Mum; thank you for sharing. It really made me smile.

  10. Long - time lurker, first time poster. Sorry to hear about your allergies. I hope you build up your system against them soon. I like both your mom's and your tiles.


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