useful things.

Friday, July 27, 2012

Weekly Challenge #80: 'Mi2' (with a side of 'Knyt')

This week's challenge is a moderately tricky pattern called 'Mi2'. I have discovered that the easiest way to draw it is to use a dot grid, so I have an approximate center for each 'seed' shape as I draw the skeleton of this pattern. Otherwise none of them line up right and it stomps all over the woven effect we're going for. At first, I skipped all the aura lines within each enclosed space. I know it's part of the pattern that makes it Mi2, but as I'm a victim of my own whimsical nature, I... uh, didn't.

THEN I realized I could do both flowers (actually, it's bales, if you look at it from a distance) and the aura lines...and I'm glad I did. I think I like it better this way, wonky lines and all. I used Inktense watercolor pencils and a ridiculously small paintbrush for this. Unlike my other watercolor pencils, once these dry, the color is set for all eternity- it doesn't budge. Soo, basically... it saves me from myself. 

This was my original attempt for this challenge: 

Anyone else been playing with Knyt? At least nobody can accuse me of having 'angry stitches'...*cough* Julie! *cough* ;o) If my stitches were any looser, I'd have to pull them out and redo them. Which gives me an idea...!

Some knytted variations...

And here's a loose and messy 'knytflake' with a smattering of Sanibelle :oD

Happy weekend, everybody! 


  1. Sweet color in a fantastic array of Mi2!

  2. Lovely on all of these. I'm definitely going to have to try Knyt!

  3. Beautiful tiles with Mi2.
    And I love what you did with Knyt, Very inspiring!

  4. Wonderful examples of Mi2 and a bonus with Knyt as well.

  5. I also tat and your knytflake reminds me of some snowflakes I have tatted. Beautiful work!

  6. Fantastic...the tiles and your interpretation of Knyt. I would have rested after your beautiful original tile...amazing.

  7. Sandy, these are wonderful! Love what you've done with Knyt. So exciting to see it included in a Zentangle (other than my own) for the very first time. The variations are exciting, especially love the knytflake.

  8. I can see you in your work you are enjoying drawing!
    Very nice done!!!!

  9. What a fabulous post this is - every one is just stunning. Love the use of colour. Aren't the Inktense pencils just divine? My hubby gave me a set for my birthday this year. I like both variations of Mi2 - they remind me a bit of 1960s Fablon! I haven't tried Knyt yet but can see there are loads of possibilities. I'm doing some real "knytting" at the moment and have the odd dropped stitch... could possibly incorporate that into a design lol!! "How not to knyt?"

    I'm bookmarking this page for future reference! Lots of stuff to try out.

    BTW, I've been searching hi and lo for instructions on how to draw a pattern called "Y-not" - I'm told it's in a book but I don't really want to buy the book just for one pattern. Any ideas?



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