useful things.

Monday, July 02, 2012

Weekly Challenge #77: For Rho: "Fiore di Pietro"

When I get where I'm going, there'll be only happy tears
I will shed the sins and struggles I have carried all these years
And I'll leave my heart wide open, I will love and have no fear
Yeah when I get where I'm going, don't cry for me down here

So much pain and so much darkness in this world we stumble through
All these questions I can't answer and so much work to do
But when I get where I'm going and I see my maker's face
I'll stand forever in the light of his amazing Grace.

Here's wishing you comfort and peace during an impossible time.


  1. Absolutely beautiful! I like how you overlayed the diamonds.

  2. This sweet pattern so lends itself to beauty and look how you have expressed your take on it perfectly!

  3. This is truly beautiful - lovely detail!!

  4. This looks like a lacy doilly - and it's so pretty.

  5. This is beautiful. Love the diamond overlay and the lacy edges. Also really like that poem.

  6. This is so beautiful! I love the details!

  7. Very beautiful! I love the details and lacy look. Fantastic!

  8. Beautifully intricate and delicate like lace.

  9. I would have loved to have been in your head to witness the creativity occurring that manifested itself so wonderfully!

  10. Thanks for the nice comments! The 'poem' at the top is actually part of a song called 'When I Get Where I'm Going' by Brad Paisley (& Dolly Parton). Can't take credit for that one. :o)

  11. Lovely, your tile has a wonderful atmosphere and style.

  12. love the song - i can hear music in the background :) i cry every time i hear this song - it's so beautiful. AND you design is, as well! i really like the lacy border to pull it all together

  13. So lovely...lacy... and perfect lyrics to go with your tile!

  14. this is amazing, and so intricate! very beautiful.

  15. This is awesome and extremely creative!

  16. Beautiful overlay effect. Comforting prose for Rho and her family.

  17. 'Lace' is the first word that came into my mind! Really stunning work!


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