useful things.

Wednesday, May 30, 2012

tangle jar giveaway.

We have a winner! Congratulations to MainelyTangles for scoring a free tangle jar!
The others will go up on sometime this week.

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Greetings, fellow tanglers!If you would like to win a free tangle jar, June 12 could be your lucky day! If you're in the habit of going back to the same patterns over and over when you're tangling (Sanibelle, anyone?), this jar will help you branch out and try new patterns. Just string your tile, count the sections, and pick one circle from the jar for every section you want to fill. You can also use it for choosing a border. Two dozen blank circles are included in each set so you can add in some of those other tangle patterns you've been meaning to try (and those you can't live without).

I've been playing with these, but I'm going to leave the jar blank except for the name. 'Cause if it were me, I would wanna decorate my own. This is a CZT-edition tangle jar, which means it ONLY has the official tangle names from Rick and Maria in it. Anyone that follows either one of the two methods of entry below is eligible to win it, but if you're not a CZT you're going to have to find one in your area to teach you some of the unpublished patterns in the jar. Or you can add in some other patterns that you already know and like and burn the unpublished ones in a Barbie-sized campfire. Tracking down a CZT is considerably less risky, though... you should do that.

The winner will get their choice of one of the sets below. There are several of them, but I have a limited quantity of each one, so you could say these are all limited-production. Once I run out of a print, consider it discontinued.

The remaining sets will go up for sale on after the contest ends.

There are two ways you can enter the drawing. You can:
A. EMAIL ME A PHOTO of yourself (or someone who loves you enough to do it for you) with any part of your body tangled (think henna art... and some modesty, people, please!), or...
B. LEAVE ME A COMMENT BELOW and tell me your favorite thing about winter and/or Christmas. And give me details. Seriously, I'm already counting down the days. 

When I first typed the above part, I was kidding about A. But then I tried it myself (using an eye highlighter pencil), and it was FUN. So I'll enter your name in the drawing twice if you do it. Please leave a comment below either way, so I have all the names to draw from in one place. Also, know that if you send me a photo that fits the above description, you can bet your britches it's going up on my blog. Scroll down for the photo entries.

All questions and answers will be posted here, since I've probably forgotten something. I don't mind entries from all over creation, but if you live outside of the continental US, you'll receive a premium plastic tangle-baggie instead of a jar so it can be mailed in an envelope. Sorry, the cost of packages going to other countries... y'know. I'll add in extra blank circles to compensate for the lack of glass. 

Now for the (other) fun part!
Choose your weapon:
stripes & spots are high-gloss

some glittered

bright/some glittered

brights & browns

 printed on both sides

some pieces are flocked/fuzzy

some glittered, cardstock is a little on the thicker side.

pastel with linen finish

linen finish

birds and gears/wheels... 'cause everybody knows they go together.

linen finish

So. much. glitter.
If you're that girl that spends half your time crafting and the other half walking around rocking the sparkle from all the glitter you've been using, this is the set for you. My scanner may never be the same again.

My email address is tanglebucket at gmail dot com if you're sending me a photo. You have until MIDNIGHT on JUNE 11 to enter. The winner will be drawn on the 12th and posted here afterward, so check back if there isn't something in your comment to link back to your profile/website/email/blog/whatever.

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And now, for the photo entries:

Check out the knee-dala! Thanks Angie, I'm sure the UPS guy couldn't help but admire it when you opened the front door this afternoon!

Thanks for humoring me, Cristina... beautiful BTL JOOS!

Simple but pretty, Debra C! Guess how she managed to take this photo.

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When I told my mom I'd asked people to tangle themselves, she happened to have four of my very artistic/very enthusiastic nieces with her. They stopped off at a Walgreens and purchased what I can only assume was eyeliner. They tangled themselves. They tangled my mom. They tangled each other. I'm pretty sure they would have tangled Max the horse-dog if he wasn't covered with fur. No one is safe!

Hard at work... check out that concentration. :o)

Is it me, or did she tangle her eyelids too?? 

Lovely, lovely.

So proud.

a girly tangle...

 ...some Hollibaugh action going on here.

oh K, artfully done. And a nod to Charlie Chaplin too.

Every mother's nightmare: noooo.... not a windmill tat!

Even my mom contributed :o) She loooves Cadent. Looks like she used Veezley too! That's one of mine. :oD

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Here's where my head has been while I punch out a kabillion one-inch cardstock circles:

If you like Christian music, MercyMe's latest album, The Hurt & The Healer, is really good. I've been listening to that and the Harry Potter audiobooks. Jim Dale, now 77 years young, is incredibly talented. If you're a Harry Potter fan and you've never heard him read, you can check them out at your local library. The man recorded 146 distinct voices for Deathly Hallows, and you can tell who's speaking before he even says it. Just be aware that after you hear him read, all other audiobooks will be ruined for you, because nobody else compares. ;o) Yes, Mr. Dale... you definitely have a seat reserved at my Fantasy Lunch Table. You can sit in between Alan Rickman aaand... Santa. 

I'm also wearing out the Glee version of 'Mean', sung by Mark Sailing (Puck) & Dot Marie Jones (Coach Bieste). I LOVE her. There have been so many times when I've almost stopped watching Glee because it often wobbles violently toward Utterly Ridiculous... but a couple of weeks ago, the Coach delivered an awesome lesson about loving and accepting yourself as you are (warts and all), kindness, regard for the feelings of others, and stopping the vicious cycle of domestic abuse. It wasn't a huge part of the episode, but it really resonated with me.

Wow, I can't believe you're still reading. Go. Comment. Win. Luck!


  1. The best part about the winter is the snow, especially if you get snowed in~~that's the bomb! There are no external distractions, especially when the power goes out. It takes you back to your pioneer roots. Besides, tangling by candlelight is so soothing. If I win, I'd like the RHAPSODY set. Thanks for the give away.

  2. Sandra [aka molussus] sent me! This looks like SO MUCH FUN! I'm at work so I will refrain from tangling myself right now...maybe later...but I will tell you my favorite part about winter/Christmas. A few years ago I started making 75-80% of the gifts I give to folks be handmade. In essence I gave them my T I M E. I found that those who don't get it never will...and that's ok...they just don't get a gift. But the people who matter, my family--parents, husband, children--they LOVE that I give them this time. They feel I have told them how special they are to me. Those gifts, not the store bought ones, become their favorites. I get the joy of seeing them wear/play with/use their handmade items and they see my smile. It's such a win win. The other thing I love...I start preparing in I get to spend time during the summer when the kids are out of school working on ornaments and decorations with them WHILE THEY HAVE TIME :) It's time spent with them and that's the best gift we can give each other. For me it's the heartfelt part of the season.

    Sugar pop--I'm a glitter girl!! :)
    Thanks for this fun opportunity!

  3. Winter,snow,x-mas,hot choc and a big pot of soup.

  4. Christmas - doing the decorating. My daughter got married three years ago. We had yards of faux pearls left over from the decorations so I used them as garland on my tree and that gave me the excuse to go totally with an all white tree - it was fun having a reason to shop for lots of new ornaments.

    I'm really crossing my fingers on the tangle jar - looks great!

  5. Definitely Posies ----my favorite part of Christmas is the snow - and getting to go on the roof of our three story house to supposedly shovel snow ----but truthfully I sit up there and breathe in the clear winter air and melt into the moment...listening to winter is a favorite activity of mine; creaking trees, animals running just under the snow, the lake freezing (If you have never heard a lake freeze - you haven't lived) thanks for stirring this great memory. Dianne CZT#6

  6. How exciting. Of course I want to win!!!!!! I like the Rhapsody group best (I think - so many choices). My favorite thing about Winter? I'm not a big winter fan, so my favorite thing about winter is that it means Spring is just around the corner. Because Spring IS my favorite time of year. :)

  7. Christmas...trans Siberian orchestra!

  8. WINTER------------
    snuggling in bed with my husband cuz we are snowed in, such a guilt free day!

  9. I love winter and all that comes with it. I am a teacher and our school has a great sledding hill. And by great I mean big but with a safe landing zone. It is amazing to see the joy and delight on a student's face when they sled down the hill for the first time. In many cases it is their first sled ride ever. Sometimes I go with them if they are timid about it. Sometimes I am at the bottom to "catch" them. When the snow and weather are right sledding creates a thrill that delights us all.

    Thanks for the give away with a really cool item, Souffle is my fav.
    Melissa, CZT #6

  10. Well, without a doubt the best part of Christmas, besides having my family around me, are the Christmas Crackers with their paper crowns, silly jokes and useless prizes! We get our crackers where we can - they just have to have the big-bang pulls and need to have been made in England - it certainly helps to have been born in England to get the family (who were born here, as was my husband) to wear the tissue paper crowns! Photos of English people in Christmas Cracker Crowns are equal to pictures of English people on the beach, with knotted paper handkies on their heads. Makes us wonder how we managed to amass an Empire and gives a bit of a clue as to why we lost it!!! Having said that about Christmas Crackers, I am now wondering if I should have said the Christmas Pudding and 150% proof Brandy Butter should have been at the top of my list - Dad taught me how to make brandy butter long, long ago and I could almost say that it is the reason to have Christmas Pud! And just in case I am the lucky winner, I have to say Posies is my favourite set....

  11. I love the very first snowfall of winter and spending time with my family at Christmas.

    And I love The Tangle Jar, fingers crossed!


  12. I love your work. Thank you for the opportunity to try and win, it I do not win, going to have to try and make one myself. I am not a CZT but I would love to be able to make it to a training. Debbie Purdue has taught several classes locally and has opened up so much. It is amazing, yes you can get a lot of patterns off the web, but it is not the same as having someone show you the steps. Thank you for sharing your work.

  13. Well, I don't like snow (moving somewhere WARM when I retire) but I do love Christmas. The greatest part is seeing family that I don't get to see the rest of the year and watching my grandkids open their "treasures". THinking of making them a "tangeled" gift this year. I taught them all the basics and they all came up with some cute ideas. My turn to surprise them now!

  14. What a neat idea....a tangle jar. Christmas Eve is our family's favorite day. We usually have a combo meal (My husband is Irish & Italian and my background is Czech) We have oyster stew (Irish)Kubik (Czech) Roast Beef and all of the usual accessorites-olives, pickles. Then we have a combo of cookies (Italian shoe cookie) and a special Italian cake. It is the best time and day of the year for the whole family.

  15. I love the rhapsody, but they are all nice. My fave thing about Christmas is the delight I see on my grandkid's face when they open their gifts and the fact that we are all together at last!! What a cozy feeling.

    Love the jar idea!

  16. Love spending time with my family at Christmas...especially my boys (age 3 and 5).

  17. I Love Winter! It is the best time of the year. The sky seems so much bluer, the stars brighter. Crisp fresh mornings. Sleeping in a cold room snuggled in a pile of soft blankets (and the cat). Wonderful food - hearty stews, fresh dense bread, lots of pie, savory turkey and ham, marshmallows lightly toasted over crackling evening fires. The leaves are off the trees revealing beautiful vistas unseen the rest of the year. The bugs are sleeping (or, dare I say it, dead) and you can spend hours outside unmolested by the biting, stinging annoying little varmints. Only five more months of spring/ summer and I will be dancing in happy anticipation of falling temperatures!

    Ever after!
    Samisu, CZT 7

  18. Great post and I would love to win. My favorite part of winter is getting the chance to crack out my sweaters - I love sweaters! But, since I'm in Louisiana, I only get a few days to wear them a year. My favorite part of Christmas is selecting the ornaments I'll give each family member for that year. When my children were born, I bought a dated ornament for them each year. Once they moved out, I gave them their collection and they started with a lot of pretty ornaments for their first tree. I kept the tradition going and now give them their ornament for the year after Thanksgiving dinner so they can enjoy them for that Christmas on their own trees.
    Kathy Redmond, CZT 5

  19. Winter
    Quiet snowfalls
    Snow days
    Skiing or snowshoeing through the snowy woods
    Squeaky cold snow
    Fluffy new snow
    Flying crystals
    Hot chocolate
    Heavy sweaters
    Down coats
    Love it all.

    Rhapsody if I'm a winner. Please. Thanks for the contest.
    Jane MacKugler
    Vermont, CZT6
    Jmackugler (at) gmail (dot) com

  20. My favorite part of winter is picking out a tree with the kids & my husband, just typing that made me smile?

  21. My favorite part of Winter is snow. I love the way the flakes settle on the trees and make everything so quiet. I also love looking at snowflakes up close before they melt to see the dazzling little patterns. :)

  22. My favorite part of winter is the slowing of life:
    no gardening
    no yard work
    long evenings in front of the fire reading a good book or knitting something challenging, seated next to the man I love
    fresh bread baking
    hearty soups simmering on the range
    Christmas with my grandchildren

    Thanks for the inspirations!


  23. I have tall pines in my back yard. What I love in winter is when there is the kind of heavy snow that sticks to all the needles and bark and they become beautifully white. Even the fence looks transformed. The yard is pristine until the dogs leap through sniffing for their balls and frisbees - it's their favorite playtime too.
    What a great idea and I like the jewel tones of Symphony.

  24. Two of my sisters are CZTs and, of course they have me hooked. I would love to win that jar! Creme is my favorite.
    One of my favorite things about Christmas is the best excuse in the world to go shopping! Love it!

  25. Aloha
    In Hawaii we only have two seasons ~ the wet season and the dry season. But on the Big Island we do have snow on the mountain in the winter. My favorite image is that of playing in the snow on the mountain in the morning and then going down to the ocean for a swim in the afternoon. Sending you Whispers of Aloha from a CZT#3

  26. Winter is my very favorite season! I LOVE snow! Especially after a new snowfall when everything is covered with pure white crystals. How beautiful Mother Nature can be! I also love to get bundled up and play in the snow with my dog. She loves rolling around in it. Now, with regards to Christmas, it is also my favorite holiday. I get to spend lots of time with my family members (and friends) being festive and enjoying each other's company. My favorite activity is baking cookies and making candies with my mom. It's a tradition that we have done since I was a little girl. Oh how I yearn for winter and Christmas!!!

    Thanks so much for the giveaway! If I am so lucky to win, I'm a pink kinda gal and would love the Madison pattern.
    Angie Gamble, CZT 7
    smilin [at] earthlink [dot] net or
    createdbyangie (at) gmail (dot) com

    Look out for a photo of my zentangled . . .

  27. Winter is not my favorite season as I am not a skier, snowshoer or hunter. I do love being cozy warm inside by the fire reading a book or Zentangling and the snow is a good excuse not to venture to far. That said my favorite thing about winter is how mostly everyone keeps to themselves but if a significant snowfall happens everyone is out helping one another. It is nice to know there will be somebody to help you even if the streets look deserted.

  28. Christmas... it is the one time I get to see or hear from almost, if not all of my family, within a few days time. Most of the year communication and visits are spaced out more distantly. And, until I find a warm place to live for winter that will remain my least favorite season - sorry to all the winter lovers!

  29. I love watching the snow falling, it's mesmerizing to me.

  30. The thing I like best about winter is Christmas! What I like best about Christmas is what comes before . . . (I always make as many handmade gifts as I possibly can and make all my own greeting cards, as well.) . . . and the best thing about Christmas Day is seeing and hearing the appreciation of the homemade gifts, made with love. I think your Tangle Jart is a great idea! :)


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I have comment moderation turned on to filter out all the spammy flotsam, so submitted comments will not appear until after they squeeze by the spam filter (that would be me). ;o) If you'd like a reply, please email me and I will reply posthaste by pigeon or owl within the month (possibly longer, depending on distance and weather conditions).