useful things.

Monday, July 06, 2015

collecting color.

Hi, tanglers!

Remember those coin collector pages I posted a few years back, that I used to organize tangle patterns? I've been using them to sort watercolor swatches. The name of the color and the manufacturer are written on the backs. There's also room for the pigment code, lightfastness ratings, granulation and staining info on the back (unless your writing looks like mine did in seventh grade).

The benefit to sorting paint swatches this way is that they can be pulled out and grouped so it's easy to figure out what colors should go together for a particular project. I'll be doing this with my Inktense pencils too, and then put them in a tabbed binder by medium. And then colored pencils... and my Sparkling H2Os... ooh, I think I'm gonna need more tabs! Where's my paper punch??

FYI, CropStop has started selling pocket pages similar to these in clear acid-free plastic that won't yellow over time. I have the pages for regular tiles and I'm happy with those, so I'll try out the little ones and see if they're lighter and less smelly (not even kidding). If anyone has experience with the pocket pages for two-inch tiles, I'd like to know whether the tiles are secure or if they slide out. Can't have my swatches jumpin' ship!

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