useful things.

Thursday, January 02, 2014

swaps (and the women who love them).

I hosted a small CZT bookmark swap a few months back. It was supposed to be a quick one, just a few weeks, but because of a couple of funny mishaps, the last recipient has only just recently received hers in the mail. Now that they've all found their way home, I can share them with the tangleverse, sans spoilers. 

Just look at the beautiful tangle art that's graced my studio! I'm not sure I'm cut out for this swap-hosting business, but it was so worth it to get to see all of these (insert puffy heart here)!

Alice Hendon

Alice Hendon

Barb Mavraganis

Barb Mavraganis

Donna Hornsby

Ellen Gozeling

Ellen Gozeling

Jane Glodoski

 Jane Glodoski

Janice Freheit 

Janice Freheit

Jean Chaney

Jean Chaney

Joy Crucitti

Joy Crucitti

Katy Abbott

Katy Abbott

Linda Stoker

Linda Stoker

Margaret Bremner 

Sandy Hunter

Sandy Hunter

Sandy Hunter 

Pam Lisak 

Pam Lisak

Pam Lisak

Pam Lisak 

Sadelle Wiltshire

Sadelle Wiltshire

Sherri Lee 

Sherri Lee 

Sherri Lee 

Sherri Lee

•  •  •  •  •  •  •
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